Immortal Guardian permiere “Aeolian” video!
The group Immortal Guardian – featuring Thad Stevens on his Clement bass – has just premiered their new “Aeolian” video. Check them out here (at braveword.com)!
The group Immortal Guardian – featuring Thad Stevens on his Clement bass – has just premiered their new “Aeolian” video. Check them out here (at braveword.com)!
Ed Friedland reviews a Tom Clement Jon 5-string fretless bass for Bass Gear Magazine!
Lee demoing Clement #360 Anne 5-string fretless
Lee takes another Kim out for a test drive!
Lee taking the new Clement #362 Kim 5-string for a spin!
This beautiful bass is a symphony of maple! It features a lightweight and light colored mahogany body wood with a flame maple top. A Nordstrand 51 P pickup is hidden under the birdseye maple pickup cover, and the bass is complimented by a maple neck with fretless birdseye maple fingerboard. The Hipshot bridge features Ghost…
This bass features a mahogany body with a myrtlewood top, TV Jones Tunder’tron pickups, a Heavily Figured roasted maple neck with cocobolo fretboard, and Hipshot hardware with lollipop tuners! This bass represents Thunderbird meets Clement for lunch! Here are two video reviews of this great bass!
Ray Salyer reviews his custom built Clement Phoenix Bass 5 string #351 “THE POSSUM”
Addison Carlton demos the new Tom Clement Jon Bass #356!
Mikey Hachey reviews his Tom Clement #320 custom built 5 string fretless bass
Gega Nesywara reviews Clement #131 fretless bass
Ed Friedland – The Bass Whisperer plays his new Tom Clement 6 String for the first time, straight outta da box.